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For both men and women, KYBELLA® is an effective minimally invasive treatment option for double chin reduction. Even a small amount of extra fat in the upper throat area can cause the presence of an embarrassing double chin. The excess pockets of fat under the chin (also known as the submental area) are caused by various factors, including aging, genetics, or weight fluctuations. These various factors can cause a weaker-looking chin and a less defined profile. You can improve your profile with the help of KYBELLA in Fairfield County.

KYBELLA is an injectable treatment that is used to reduce the appearance of submental fat, also known as a “double chin.” The treatment involves a series of injections that break down and absorb fat cells over time. It is a non-surgical and minimally invasive option for those looking to improve their facial appearance. At Versailles Medical Spa, our team of experts can help determine if KYBELLA is the right treatment for you.

Is KYBELLA for you?

The best patients for KYBELLA treatments have additional fat in the upper throat (submental area) that causes a double chin or unwanted volume. This injection addresses stubborn pockets of fat that are difficult to lose because of genetics, aging, or other health conditions. If you are at a healthy, stable weight, but exercise and diet have not helped reduce the fat in your submental area, Kybella might be a good option for your cosmetic goals. Contact us to learn more about Kybella and how it can help minimize your double chin for a beautiful, slimming look.

Before & After

Transformed and glowing! Witness the remarkable before and after results of our rejuvenating treatment. Unveil your beauty.


At Versailles Medical Spa, we are proud to provide a new way to eliminate neck fat. Versailles Medical Spa’s office is in Darien, CT, located between Stamford and Norwalk. Approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), Kybella is the first nonsurgical treatment for submental fat. The active ingredient in Kybella is a synthetic version of deoxycholic acid (DA), which acts like the natural DA in the body to break down and absorb fat cells. Once it’s injected under the chin, you should see a noticeable reduction in the volume of fat. When the fat is removed, the cells will not regenerate, so as long as you maintain a healthy lifestyle, you can enjoy your new slender profile and defined jawline for many years.
Even if Kybella is a non-surgical procedure, you still need a consultation. We will review your medical history and ask if you have had any prior cosmetic procedures performed on your neck, face, or chin. It helps to be upfront about bleeding or swallowing problems, pregnancy, or plans to get pregnant soon.

During the consultation, we will ask you about your areas of concern, goals, and expectations for Kybella’s outcome. There are only a few pre-procedure instructions, including washing your face to lower the risk of infection and not taking acetaminophen and ibuprofen before Kybella to prevent bruising.
Kybella is completed as an in-office appointment. At Versailles Medical Spa, we can accommodate our patients to be treated after their complimentary consultations. If preferred, after cleansing the area of treatment, the medical provider may apply a topical anesthetic to numb the treatment area. The procedure takes about 20-30 minutes, which includes a few small injections targeting the submental area. Some patients may benefit from one treatment to attain their desired goal, while some may need additional injections each spaced 3-4 weeks apart.

Kybella works because it uses a synthetic form of deoxycholic acid, which destroys the chin area’s fat cells. The body then safely metabolizes those dead fat cells over the course of several weeks.
Kybella injections don’t require general anesthesia, therefore you can return to your normal activities after being treated. After Kybella some patients may experience short-term numbness, bruising, or swelling under your chin; however, this usually does not last more than a couple of days. Contact Versailles Medical Spa immediately if you notice unusual symptoms, such as difficulty swallowing, facial muscle weakness, or if your facial expressions look uneven. While the fat cells that are destroyed do not return, the cells that remain can get larger. You should do your best to maintain a steady weight and healthy lifestyle to prevent new pockets of fat from forming. After Kybella injections, you typically notice that your neck appears slimmer, tighter, and more defined.
The total price of Kybella varies from client to client depending on how many treatment sessions each client needs. Since Kybella is categorized as a cosmetic procedure, medical insurance does not cover its cost.